Wednesday, April 30, 2008

“Miss Fort Dorchester 2008 Pageant” Critique

I attended the Miss Fort Dorchester Pageant with my friend Nikki Newsome. It was fun going with a friend because we made side comments about every contestant as they walked across the stage. Most of the contestants did a great job performing onstage and with their talent competition. The audience could sense the contestant’s stage presence and nervous feeling. The casual competition was judged on the girls’ outfits they had chosen before. Some of the outfits were casual and some were like dressy casual. Casual dress can mean a sundress or dress slacks and a nice top. I would think that casual means the outfits a person would wear to school, which usually consists of jeans and a nice shirt. None of the contestants wore jeans as casual wear. The talent competition was my favorite part of the pageant. I enjoyed watching the girls dance to some extent. Most of the girls danced to a soft music in the background or Hollywood. I wanted at least someone to dance to the style of hip hop. Hip hop is so much fun to watch. Some of the talents, I did not consider a talent. For example, a soccer presentation was just a girl drippling a ball and speaking about her experience as a soccer player. Then, another contestant had a PowerPoint with pictures of herself and her friends and spoke about her life in high school. The judges chose Caitlyn Oenbrink as Miss Fort Dorchester 2008. Caitlyn was overall the best contestant because of her experience on stage and outgoing personality. She has confidence when she is performing in front of people. Some of the girls carried a fake smile as they walked which made them seem like they just wanted to get off stage.

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