Wednesday, April 30, 2008

“Once Upon a Mattress” Critique

The Fort Dorchester Students performed brilliant by singing and dancing in this musical performance. I enjoyed watching them perform onstage. The male performers were funny and spiteful. The students that had singing parts were on key and carried the right tone. I was surprised that the male students did such a good job singing and dancing. The costumes were amazing and just like wardrobes from a royal kingdom. I liked how the students were acting as if they were honorable people of importance. The dances from the performance were energetic and simplistic.

The scene from the ball before Princess Winnifred’s good nights sleep was fun to watch. Queen Aggravain invented a dance that was especially tiresome and wacky. She intended on Princess Winnifred to dance all night which would cause her to become tired. When the actors and actresses were dancing in pairs, Princess Winnifred accidentally dropped her mic from underneath her costume. I noticed this right away because the pair was dancing center stage and it was easily observed that a black string was hanging and she was holding a black box. The mic also got caught in her hair while Prince Dauntless was making a turn. After the ball, Princess Winnifred passed the mic to a lady in waiting. The lady in waiting was standing near the right section of the stage and she carefully snuck back stage to put the mic away.

My favorite character was Princess Winnifred played by Caitlyn Oenbrink. Caitlyn was the perfect student to play this princess who is witty and humorous. She had the voice to sing all of the solo parts. Princess Winnifred was the main character that danced with everyone. Caitlyn did a good job acting and singing in this musical. Even though, there was a minor issue with the mic falling out of her costume, the play was still a success.

This musical was a good performance overall. The students trained consecutively and practiced on their songs. The dances were incorporated with the songs perfectly.

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