Thursday, May 1, 2008

Free Choice: Australia Picture

This picture is very significant to me because of the story behind it. That rock that we are all sitting or standing on is the highest rock located in the city where we were in Australia. It started off as the bus driver telling the LeadAmerica students that only one kid climbed up that rock before. The bus driver said there was a secret method to climb the rock because there was literally nothing to hold on to or grip to pull your self up. Well, some boys tried different ways of getting up there like getting a running start and just staying in a fixed spot so, the other boys would push him up. I’m not sure what they did but three successful boys made it to the top. Then, everyone started trying to go up on their own. The girls couldn’t because it was too high for them. So, the three boys each helped everyone on to the top of the rock by lending a hand. It took some people three times even with the boys help to get up there. The rock was so slippery and soft. By this time, almost everyone was at least attempting to get to the top. There were two lines forming with people waiting for help. The funny part was that the bus driver did not realize we were trying to get our whole group on the top of the rock; he was still waiting on the bus. Then, he comes to see what happened and was shocked at so many people on that rock. He was surprised that everyone was working together and saying encouraging words. After all the students were on the rock, the students convinced the five team leaders to join us. Next, the bus driver was stuck taking pictures. Well, someone said that it would be fun for him to try to get on the rock. It took maybe five strong boys to pull him up. The bus driver is the guy on the far left with his arms in the air like a V. Luckily, we found some happy tourists to take pictures of the huge group. One of the tourists even made a video of everyone sliding down the rock when it was time to leave!

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