Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Article- “Reality TV”

Persuasive Article- “Reality TV”

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“Reality TV” is an article despising reality television as entertainment. The speaker uses rhetorical questions to make his point across. He feels as if reality tv is not worth the commotion. Reality tv is just average people filled with drama, sex, relationships, break ups, cursing, and much more. The main points in this persuasive article are the facts from reality television and its viewers. The viewers have been affected by becoming lazy and unproductive. They are the ones sitting at home on their couch waiting for reality shows to appear. The reality stars soon become famous because of their well known personalities on television. Some stars that are liked by the viewers return on the show for another season. Points from this article could have been more supported with a viewers own personal opinion. I would assume that this article would be more focused on the production aspect than the viewers. The production of reality tv is believed to be all set up to make more publicity. The behind the scenes aspects of the entertainment industry has technology to perfect anything with changes to the original.


This persuasive article needed improvement. I decided to write about a poor persuasive article because they are the best for analyzing. Right, Parry? I felt as if his points were not as strong as they could have been. Sure, he provides ethical information by stating the facts throughout and at the end of the article. His facts weren’t supported enough to actually persuade me. The emotional fallacy used was red herring because the unrelated evidence did not support his conclusion. His conclusion was that the viewers should stop watching reality tv because of the events that are useless on television. Reality tv is not important to viewers; the viewers should be doing something more effective instead of gazing at a television screen. Once again, this persuasive article needs some work by improving the rhetorical fallacies. The statistics stated did not convince me at all. I still enjoy watching reality tv.

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