Thursday, May 1, 2008

Free Choice: Letter to God

May 1, 2008

Dear God,

Everything is different now; I do not like all of the changes occurring. The people in high school have changed since sophomore year. I’m at the point where I have stopped talking to my friends since middle school. I know people loose touch but it shouldn’t be like this. I don’t think I deserve to be isolated from everyone just because of a certain person. That certain person can alter the thoughts from other people, just like a chain reaction of hatred. I shouldn’t have to keep everything inside because I feel as if I can not trust anyone, like literally. There are a few of my good friends that have always been there for me but, there will never be the one true best friend. Well, at least not in high school. The term “Best friend” is just a title everyone likes to be associated with or categorized as. Friends can be replaced; Best friends can not. These silly arguments and fights should just be forgotten. I did not do anything extremely wrong which caused me to be given the silent treatment and the fake smiles. I can see past that fake smile. That girl doesn’t even have a legitimate reason to dislike me; it’s just that everyone else does because of that one person. Then, she blames it on my attitude; well that is what I’ve heard. She should have the guts to tell it to my face and not go around talking or agreeing with that person. High school is filled with drama and fights all the time. I wish everything was the same to Oakbrook Middle School. And I know that I’m not the only one that wishes this. I just know that in reality nothing will be the same like it was in middle school. Everyone has changed so much that it couldn’t possibly be fixed.

I talked to you, God, the other day. I had the feeling of being lonely and unwanted again. But, then you were with me and made everything better. Your company was what I needed that day. I like your protection whenever I’m driving and whenever I’m walking by myself. I feel secure when I know that you are being my guardian angel and watching me.

xoxoxo Cindy

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