Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Analysis- “When the Police become the Criminals”

Persuasive Analysis- “When the Police become the Criminals”

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“When the Police become the Criminals” is an article describing the police taking advantage of their power among people in the society. Most people feel intimidated by seeing a police car or a person with a police badge because they know that they are the ones in control. Then, some people believe that the police have too much authority. This authority causes the police to behave in a criminal manner. Police feel as if they can get away with things because of their job duties but, the real problem is that the police are becoming involved in crimes like drugs and scandals. The author of this article believes that the police are not communicating with the citizens. The miscommunication is between the racial and social classes. This means that the police are facing difficult challenges with the diverse groups in society. The police are being corrupted by their everyday use with illegal activity. This article explains the police corruption and the problems that need to be resolved.


This article is mainly an example of an ethical fallacy. It proves that there is an advance over authority for a character. The policemen feel as if they have all the power and control over minor people. Police can easily commit a crime and not get caught because of their lawful job. For example, “Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear police”. Police figures are known to be powerful with high remarks to punishment regarding the law and crimes. They believe that they are controlling the criminal’s future by arresting them. An example of this ethical fallacy is called false authority. False authority is defined as “asking the audiences to agree with the assertion of a writer based simply on the character.” This may mean that the authority taking control may not be completely liable to offer the assertion. Police corruption has been featured in movies and documentaries. This visualization makes the case of police corruption more applicable to citizens. Citizens should feel protected by the police; they should not have to worry about the police becoming the criminals. Another ethical fallacy used in this article is using authority instead of evidence. A police’s word against a common civilian would be more relevant because of the status of the police figure. The article “When the Police becomes the Criminals” demonstrates that not all lawful careers like policemen, firemen, doctors, or lawyers are what they seem to be. The “good guys” are not necessary good with the law.

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