Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Analysis- “Smoking and How it affects Everyone”

Persuasive Analysis- “Smoking and How it affects Everyone”

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Smoking causes health problems like lung cancer, chest pain, and bodily malfunctions. This addiction is bad for the smoker and the people around him. Secondhand smoke is just as worst as smoking because of the strong fumes. This persuasive article encourages staying drug free. Becoming involved in smoking makes the body deteriorate due to the major health problems. Theses health problems could cause someone to die. The statistics of the human body information are important to know. These facts make the reader persuaded to not smoke if they are health conscious. Smoking leads to life-threatening effects that will change a person’s health to depression.


The speaker includes relevant information to provide the audience an avoidance feeling. His intention to make smoking look harmful persuades smokers to quit smoking. The logical fallacies are supported by the evidence of health concerns. Most of this article includes statistics and ethical information. For example, “Did you know that a pack of Winston Cigarettes cost $3.85? If you would smoke a pack a day do you know how much that is a year? It would be costing you $1,405.25! But these costs are minor compared to the medical expenses that smoking causes.” The connection to the cost of one pack of cigarettes and the number of days smoking is an excellent piece of evidence to stop purchasing the cigarettes. Once people realize that they are spending over one thousand dollars on cigarettes a year, then they will go through a repression. A repression of saving money and purchasing other items that is more useful. The effect on smoking should make smokers realize that it is not worth it.

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