Friday, May 2, 2008

Free Choice: Letter to Self

To me:

I’m writing a letter to myself to remind me of my thoughts about life. First of all, I would be unhappy if my life ended today. I have not lived life to experience its true meaning. Which I might add, I’m still pondering the true meaning of life. This makes me think about the song from the Lion King called “Circle of Life”. Everyone needs to experience the college environment and should start a family with their special loved one. I’ve realized that death is what people are thinking about. Some are dying at this young age which makes me sad because they have not lived up to the stages of a person’s life span. It’s hard to talk to someone when they had just had a friend or a loved one pass away. What do you say to them? Even though, you do not know the person that passed away, you should just assume that that person is accompanying God in heaven. Or the famous quote “He is in a better place now”. Life has its ups and downs but, it always becomes worth while to me. The reason for people committing suicide is unexplainable and there is no definite answer. They say “life was not worth living anymore”. How could anything so bad cause a person to commit suicide? I view suicidal people as weak because nothing in this world could be that depressing to cause them to take their own life away. For goodness sake, you should see a psychologist or get some help if you are contemplating suicide. Don’t just think that committing suicide will resolve your problems and be the solution.

Before I die, I want to travel around the world. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. Hopefully, I would get the opportunity to see the major tourists’ attractions in Europe. Then, I would read about the history and have a flashback on the past. History makes up life. Science just explains life aspects such as the environment, human body, atoms, and etc… English is the communication for life. And math is what you need in life to be successful. Education is important because it makes people live life with ease in their future career. Life should be cherished and mine is slowly progressing.

The End.

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