Friday, May 2, 2008

Poem: The Yearbook Signing Party

The Yearbook Signing Party

By: Cindy Tang

Twas a very hot day to have a party,

With groups of people dancing all hardy.

Some were smelly with B. O.

Who were trying to put on a Big Show.

The yearbooks were like Myspace.

Every drama on the internet teenagers will face.

The same people’s pictures were throughout the book.

Everyone tired of their same old look.

Hanna’s yearbook fell apart.

That was bad on Jostens’ part.

And Ashley’s picture made her head look big,

Which was bigger than it already is.

Laughter and pointing on the bleachers,

About some people’s not so good features.

Jerry’s band was playing.

While everyone was at the concession stand paying.

A yearbook that would sit and collect dust,

Just like an instrument will begin to rust.

High school memories are about to die.

Time for another blow up ride!

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